

Total Care Institute biedt ook opvang aan uw allerkleinsten. Onze babygroep staat open om uw kleintjes vanaf 6 weekjes oud te ontvangen.
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– Warme opvang. De groepsleidster draagt haar groep een warm hart toe. De kleintjes voelen zich op hun gemak bij haar.
– Aandacht. De groepsleidster weet haar aandacht goed te verdelen over de kleintjes.
– Thuis ritme wordt aangehouden. U geeft aan om hoe laat uw kleintje wakker is geworden en de groepsleidster zet het dagritme van uw kleintje voort, net zoals u het thuis ook doet.
– Veel beweegruimte. De kleintjes hebben de ruimte om zich vrij te bewegen in een beschermde omgeving.
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Sinergia: e Prinsipio di Koperashon Inteligente

Por tin algu kontra koperashon, si tur partisipante ta gana? Por ehèmpel, si Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru ta disidí pa koperá den ramo di edukashon avansá ku resultado ku lo tin mihó kalidat, mas oportunidat pa ménos sèn, no ta asina ku solamente lokonan lo rechasá esaki?  

Sin embargo, nos islanan de facto ta rechasando esaki awor aki. 

Sinergia ta e prinsipio di koperashon ku ta produsí un resultado mas grandi ku e sòm produsí pa mesun tantu hende ku no to koperá. Of por bisa: ‘e totalidat ta mas ku e sòm di su partinan’. 

Bisá simpel, sinergia ta nifiká: 1 + 1 = 3.
Y si nos ta apliká esaki na nos 3 islanan, e sòm lo ta: 1 + 1 + 1 = 5.

Si nos ta komprendé esaki, no por tin niun motibu pa nos islanan keda sin koperá den sinergia boluntariamente. Pues koperá solamente ora dos of tres isla ta mira benefisio mutuo plùs diferente bónùs aserka. 

Esei ta sinergia. 

Ta resta solamente pa disidí kua órgano gubernamental mester wòrdu enkargá ku e poder pa determiná kua tarea- y/of responsabilidatnan gubernamental ta pasa e tèst sinergétiko. 

Pa hasi esaki nos ta proponé e ‘Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí’ (‘KGE’). 

Nos no por tin un Gobièrnu Sentral manera ántes. Y, de hecho, e KGI no ta nada di esei ètòl. Na promé lugá, ta skrap e sistema aktual den kua Hulanda ta nombra Gobernadónan pa Dekreto Real. Na su lugá, kada isla lo elegí su propio Gobernadó demokrátikamente. E tres Gobernadónan ta reuní regularmente pa disidí kua tarea- y/of responsabilidatnan lo produsí benefisio sinergétiko, es desir benefisio mutuo plùs vários bónùs. 

Kada isla ta keda totalmente liber pa sali for di kualkier proyekto sinergétiko, basta ta opservá e plaso di preaviso mutuamente akordá pa kada proyekto. 

Den e siguiente artíkulo di e serie aki, nos lo elaborá den mas detaye riba e Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí (KGE).

Awor nos por redaktá e Artíkulo Preliminar di e Pakto di e Union Nobo di Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru. Ta lo siguiente:

Artíkulo Preliminar

  • Sinergia ta e prinsipio ku ta vinkulá e Union Nobo. 
  • E Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí ta determiná kua tarea y/of responsabilidatnan ehekutivo lo wòrdu implementá den sinergia boluntariamente entre dos of tres di e islanan. 
  • E Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí ta determiná pa Ordenansa Ehekutivo kon pa implementá kada proyekto sinergétiko.
  • E islanan partisipante ta finansiá proyektonan sinergétiko na proporshon di e grandura di e poblashon di kada isla partisipante1.
  • E Parlamento Insular di kada isla por pidi Korte Konstitushonal pa kambia of terminá kualkier proyekto sinergétiko ku opservashon di e plaso di preaviso pre-determiná pa e Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí, si un mayoria di dos/tersera parti ta konsiderá ku e proyekto ta violá e Konstitushon Federal di e isla konserní.

Sinergia ta Uni Nos 

E Eskudo di e Union Nobo 
di Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru.
E streanan ta simbolisá e 3 islanan.
E dos plùs-nan ta bèrdè pa simbolisá sinergia en
general (1+1+1 = 5), pero tambe pa afirmá ku e 3 islanan a kometé nan mes na sinergia entre ekologia ku ekonomia





Synergy: the Principle of Intelligent Cooperation

Can anyone be against cooperation, if all participants win? For instance, if Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru decided to cooperate on higher education, resulting in higher quality, more opportunities for less money, would it not be insane to reject such cooperation?  

Yet the islands are in fact rejecting this right now. 

Synergy is the cooperative principle producing a combined result greater than the sum produced by an equal number of non-cooperating indivi-duals. Or: ‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts’. 

Simply put, synergy means: 1 + 1 = 3.
Applied to aforementioned 3 islands, this sum would be: 1 + 1 + 1 = 5.

If this is understood, there can be no reason why the islands should not voluntarily cooperate in synergy. So, cooperation only when two or three islands can see mutual benefit with extra bonuses on top. 

That is synergy. 

Remains only to decide which governmental organ could be entrusted with the power to determine which specific governmental tasks and/or responsibilities would pass the synergetic test. 

For this we propose the ‘Council of Elected Governors’ (‘CEG’). 

There cannot be a Central Government as in the past. And indeed, the CEG is not like that at all. First of all, the present system in which the Governors are nominated by Dutch Royal Decree will be scrapped. Instead each island will democratically elect its own Governor. The three Governors meet regularly to decide which tasks and/or responsibilities will produce synergetic benefit, i.e. mutual benefit plus bonuses. 

Each island remains free to withdraw from any synergetic project, with due observance of a pre-determined term of notice agreed upon for each and every synergetic project. 

In the following article of this series we will elaborate in more detail on the CEG.

Now we can frame the Preliminary Article of the Pact of the New Union between Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru. It reads as follows:

Preliminary Article

  • Synergy is the binding principle of the New Union. 
  • The Council of Elected Governors determines which executive tasks and/or responsibilities will be voluntarily implemented in synergy by two or all three of the islands. 
  • The Council of Elected Governors determines by Order in Council how each synergetic project shall be implemented.
  • Synergetic projects are financed by the participating islands in proportion to the population-size of each participating island.
  • The Island-Parliament of each island may petition the Constitutional Court to alter or terminate any synergetic project with due obser-vance of the pre-determined term of notice set by the Council of Elected Governors, if a two-thirds majority considers the project to be in violation of the island’s Federal Constitution.


Bonaire, 18 September 2022

On behalf of Foundation ‘Golden Meand Society’ (GMS)

Michiel Bijkerk, president






  Bonaire, 18 sèptèmber 2022,
Na number di Fundashon ‘Golden Meand Society’ (GMS),
  Michiel Bijkerk, presidente

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