SERIE di 24 artíkulo tokante e Struktura Estatal Nobo
Título di e buki: IN SYNERGIA UNANIMUS
Sub-título: Sin Riesgo, No Por Gana Nada
E eskoho pa elegí nos Gobernadónan lo fortifiká nos boluntat demo-krátiko tambe. Nos mester siña bira mas asertivo. Na un manera moderá y hustu, pero al fin y al cabo nos (es desir, e 3 islanan) mester asumí responsabilidat pa nos destino kolektivo. No hende di afó. Nos mester disidí dentro di e límitenan di kada isla su propio Konstitushon Federal.
Bueno, Aruba y Kòrsou sí ta ‘asertivo’. Tin biaha e asertividat ainda ta kontené un tiki odio. Mester tira esei afó. Pasobra, si bo ta odia, bo ta venená bo mes, miéntras ku e otro persona no ta muri. Komo sea, echo ta ku e Rubiano- y Kurasoleñonan no a entregá e ‘kantidat generoso di outonomia’ ku nan a risibí na 1954.
Pero nos, Bonerianonan, sí a entreg’é na 2010. Awor e dia a yega pa re-kobr’é. No ‘rekonkist’é’, komo si fuera Hulanda ta nos enemigu. Nò, Hulanda ta nos amigu. Nos simplemente mester hañ’é bèk. Pa logra esei, nos mester bira asertivo. Nos himno ta rekordá nos diariamente ku ‘humildat’ ta nos birtut mas haltu. Esei ta bunita. Mester mantené esei.
Pero nos por ta asertivo na un manera humilde y alabes desidido.
Nos a desmantelá Antia pa por rekonstruy’é. No pa hasi’é manera e tabata ántes. Pero den nos kurason nos tur sa, inklusivo e Rubianonan, ku e úniko tres isla na mundu kaminda ta papia Papiamentu ta pertenesé na otro. Histórikamente, kulturalmente y te ainda hasta polítikamente. Pasobra tur tres isla te ainda ta forma parti integral di Reino Hulandes.
Pues nos tin ku rekonstruy’é na nos propio manera. Nos no ta mará na teorianan konstitushonal tradishonal, ku a keda desaroyá mas tantu na Europa kontinental y Estados Unídos. Nos por krea un Union Nobo ku ta kuadra ku nos nesesidatnan speshal y nos situashon komo archipiélago.
Den e proseso aki Boneiru por hunga un ròl katalizante. Siendo asertivo na un forma korekto, Bonaire por sende un kandela suave den e alma di Aruba y Kòrsou tambe. Nos lo bai tin mester di Aruba y Kòrsou pa nos logra nos meta. Pero Aruba y Kòrsou tambe lo tin mester di Boneiru.
Pasobra di naturalesa Boneiru ta vibra pas y trankilidat.
Na Boneiru nos ‘asertividat’ ta kuminsá ku e desishon ku nos relashon ku Hulanda mester kambia. Mester kuminsá un proseso gradual di moda ku Boneiru por rekobrá e outonomia ku el a pèrdè na 2010.
Nos ta konsiente ku e proseso aki lo tuma su tempu. Pero sin komienso lo no tin final tampoko.
Por ehèmpel, nos por kuminsá ku edukashon. Durante un periodo di 5 aña, e responsabilidat pa manehá nos propio sistema edukashonal lo wòrdu transferí na e (futuro) Gobièrnu Federal di Boneiru. Y asina por sigui ku otro tareanan gubernamental, unu pa unu of kisas hasta algun simultáneamente, dependiendo komplehidat y kumbiniensia.
Di kon ‘federal’, lo wòrdu spliká despues 1).
Por inisiá e proseso di federalisashon di Boneiru den Kapítulo 7 di e Konstitushon Hulandes (‘Grondwet’). Ora e proseso a yega na su final, por disidí si mester inkorporá Boneiru bèk den Statüt, sí of nò.
Pues awor nos por redaktá e teksto nobo di artíkulo 132b di Konstitushon Hulandes, indikando den kua direkshon nos kier bai. Despues lo añadí algun otro insisonan mas na e artíkulo aki.
Art. 132b di Konstitushon Hulandes (Grondwet):
- Boneiru ta un Estado Isleño Federal. Tur outonomia legislativo y ehekutivo restante ta keda pa e Estado Isleño Federal di Boneiru.
- E Estado Isleño Federal di Boneiru ta forma un parti integral di Hulanda y di Union Europeo.
- Ta regla e proseso di federalisashon y di e transferensia di tarea- y responsabilidatnan na e Estado Isleño Federal di Boneiru pa lei.
1) Mas informashon tokante esaki por haña aki: E ‘link’ aki ta konsistí di dos teksto na Hulandes, e promé un ensayo den kua ta splika ku e sistema di Statüt en realidat ta un sistema federal. E di dos ta un Konsepto di Lei pa demostrá kon Boneiru por wòrdu inkorporá den e Konstitushon Hulandes komo un ‘Teritorio Isleño Federal’ (loke awor nos ta preferá di yama ‘Estado Isleño Federal’). E dos tekstonan aki por wòrdu mirá komo prekursor di e buki aki
SERIES of 24 articles about our New Constitutional Structure
Sub-title: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Opting for Presidential style elections to nominate our Governors will also strengthen our democratic will. We must learn to assert ourselves more. In a measured and just way, but we (the 3 islands) must ultimately take responsibility for our collective destiny. Not outsiders. We must decide within the limits of each island’s Federal Constitution.
Now, Aruba and Curaçao do ‘assert themselves’. Sometimes there still lingers some hatred in the asserting. That should be thrown out. Because by hating you poison yourself, whereas the other does not die. Be that as it may, fact is that the Arubans and Curaçaoans have not given up the ‘generous measure of autonomy’ granted to them in 1954.
But we, Bonaireans, did give it up in 2010. Now is the time to retrieve it. Not ‘reconquer’ it, as though Holland is our enemy. No, Holland is our friend. We just have to get it back. To do that we must learn to assert ourselves. Our anthem reminds us daily that we have chosen ‘humility’ as our top-virtue. That is beautiful. We must keep that.
But asserting oneself can be done humbly, but determinedly.
We dismantled the Neth. Antilles to be able to rebuild it. Not as it was, of course. But in our heart of hearts we all know, including the Arubans, that the only three Papiamentu-speaking islands in the world belong together. Historically so, culturally so and even still politically so. After all, all three of us still form part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
So, we have to rebuild it now in our own way. We ae not bound to traditional constitutional thinking, which was developed mainly in continental Europe and the USA. We can create a New Union that suits our special needs and circumstances as an archipelago.
And in this process Bonaire can play a catalyzing role. By asserting ourselves in the right way, we may be able to accelerate a gentle fire lingering in Aruba and Curaçao also. We will need Aruba and Curaçao to achieve our goal. But Aruba and Curaçao will be needing Bonaire also.
Because Bonaire is a natural peace-maker.
For Bonaire this ‘asserting’ begins by deciding that our relationship with Holland will have to change. A process has to be set in motion whereby Bonaire may gradually recover the autonomy it lost in 2010.
Granted, this process will take time. But without a beginning, there will never be an end.
For instance, we could start with education. During a period of 5 years, the task and responsibility for running our own local educational system will be transferred to the (future) Federal Government of Bonaire. And this may be followed by other governmental tasks, one by one or even a few simultaneously depending on complexity and expediency.
Why ‘federal’, will be explained later1.
The gradual federalization process can be initiated within the frame-work of Chapter 7 of the Dutch Constitution (‘Grondwet’). Once completed, a decision can be made as to whether Bonaire should be incorporated back into the Kingdom Charter (‘Statuut’), or not.
So now we can frame a new article 132b to be inserted into the Dutch Constitution, setting the tone for where we are headed. Later more sections will be added to this article.
Art. 132b Dutch Constitution:
- Bonaire is a Federal Island State. All residual legislative and executive autonomy rests with the Federal Island State of Bonaire.
- The Federal Island State of Bonaire forms an integral part of the Netherlands and the European Union.
- The federalization process and the transfer of tasks and responsibi-lities to the Federal Island State of Bonaire shall be regulated by law.
Footnote 1): More background on this can be found here: This link consists of two texts in the Dutch Language, the first an essay explaining that the system laid down in the Kingdom Charter (‘Statuut’) is in fact of a federal nature. The second is a Conceptual Framework to show how Bonaire could be incorporated into the Dutch Constitution as a ‘Federal Island Territory’ (which we now prefer to call ‘Federal Island State’). The two texts may be seen as precursors to this present paper.
Bonaire, 2 do òktober 2022
On behalf of Foundation ‘Golden Meand Society'(GMS)
Michiel Bijkerk, president