
SERIE di 24 artíkulo tokante e Struktura Estatal Nobo Título di e buki: IN SYNERGIA UNANIMUS KAPÍTULO 2: E Kolegio di Goberndónan Elegí Sub-título: Sin Inovashon, lo no tin Progreso

SERIE di 24 artíkulo tokante e Struktura Estatal Nobo
Título di e buki: IN SYNERGIA UNANIMUS

KAPÍTULO 2: E Kolegio di Goberndónan Elegí

Sub-título: Sin Inovashon, lo no tin Progreso

A ménos ku nos por ofresé un struktura nobo y kreibel, lo no ta posibel pa krea un Union Nobo entre Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru. Nos ta konsiente di esei y nos no ta supestimá e difikultatnan. Pero si bèrdat y espíritu inovativo ta inspirá e artíkulonan aki, un kaminda lo habri pa nos.

Al final, nos tur ta hende razonabel y nos ta stima nos islanan.

Bueno, elekshon di Gobernadónan ta e segundo inovashon. Es desir, e ta inovativo pa nos. Básikamente ta trata aki di e Sistema Presidensial. Pues en realidat ta kos di antaño, pero nos ta aplik’é na un manera inovativo.

E partido polítiko Hulandes D66 a boga pa introdukshon di alkaldenan elegí pa hopi aña kaba. Pasobra e ta mas demokrátiko. Y nan tin rason. Y pasobra nos tambe ta pro demokrasia, ta natural pa nos kopia e idea aki.

Pues en bes di nombra Gobernadónan pa Dekreto Real Hulandes, kada isla ta organisá un elekshon general kada 4 aña pa duna pueblo chèns pa elegí su propio Gobernadó. Despues e Gobernadó ta nombra su Gabinete pa implementá tur tarea- y responsabilidatnan ehekutivo ku e Konstitushon Federal di kada isla ta enkargá su Gobernadó kuné.

Manera nos a mira kaba, e tres Gobernadónan konhuntamente ta forma e Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí (KGE).

Y pasobra kada Gobernadó a wòrdu elegí direktamente pa pueblo y ta enkargá ku tur funshon ehekutivo, e no ta rekirí aprobashon delantá di e Parlamento Insular pa determiná den KGE kua tarea- y responsabilidatnan lo wòrdu implementá den sinergia ku e otro islanan. Pues e KGE mes ta outorisá pa disidí esaki.

Hopi ménos burokrasia!

Sin embargo, e Parlamento Insular di kada isla sí ta mantené su derecho pa pidi Korte Konstitushonal pa kambia of terminá kualkier proyekto sinergétiko, si un mayoria di dos/tersera parti ta konsiderá ku e proyekto ta violá e Konstitushon Federal di e isla konserní.

Probablemente e lesadó a ripará ku nos a menshoná – sin preaviso y sin splikashon – tres ‘Parlamentonan Insular’, tres ‘Konstitushonnan Federal’ y e ‘Korte Konstitushonal’.

Esei ta korekto. Y, en bèrdat, nos ta move rápido. Pero no wòri. Nos lo elaborá riba tur e órganonan konstitushonal aki unu pa unu. Lo no ta difísil pa kapta e idea general si bo sigui lesando.

Pues awor nos por redaktá e Artíkulo tokante e Gobernadó y e Kolegio di Gobernadónan ku mester wòrdu inkluí den kada un di e Konstitushonnan Federal di Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru. E ta lo siguiente:

E Gobernadó y e Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí

  • E Gobernadó ta enkargá ku e tarea- y responsabilidatnan ehekutivo stipulá den e Konstitushon Federal y den tur otro leinan adoptá pa e Parlamento Insular.
  • Pueblo di kada isla ta elegí su Gobernadó pa un término di 4 aña. E Gobernadó por wòrdu re-elegí pa solamente un término mas.
  • E Gobernadónan elegí di Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru konhuntamente ta forma e Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí.
  • Presidensia di e Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí ta pasa di un pa otro anualmente; ta tira lòt pa nombra e promé y e segundo Presidente.
  • E Kolegio di Gobernadónan Elegí ta reuní na e isla kaminda e Presidente ta ehersé su funshon.

Bonaire, 25 di sèptèmber 2022
Na nòmber di Fundashon ‘Golden Meand Society’,
Michiel Bijkerk, president



SERIES of 24 articles about our New Constitutional Structure

Chapter 2: The Council of Elected Governors

Sub-title: Without Innovation, No Progress
Unless a credible new structure is on offer, a New Union between Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru is out of the question. We do not underestimate the difficulties. Yet, if truth and innovative spirit burns these pages, a way will be opened unto us.

After all, we are reasonable people and we love our islands.

The election of Governors, then, is the second innovation. That is to say, it is innovative for us. It is basically the Presidential system. So in fact it is old stuff, but applied in an innovative way to our situation.

The Dutch political party D66 has advocated the introduction of elected city-mayors for a long time. Because it is more democratic. And right they are. And as we, too, are pro-democracy, this choice is only natural.

So instead of Governors being nominated by Dutch Royal Decree, each island will organize 4-yearly general elections during which the people vote to elect its Governor. The elected Governor then nominates his/her Cabinet to carry out all executive tasks and responsibilities entrusted to the Governor as stipulated in each Island’s Federal Constitution.

And, as we have already seen, the three Governors together form the Council of Elected Governors (CEG).

And because each Governor is directly elected by the people and is in charge of all executive functions, he/she does not require the Island-Parliament’s approval to determine in the CEG which executive tasks and responsibilities will be voluntarily implemented in synergy with the other islands. The CEG has the authority to decide this on its own.

Much less red tape!

However, the Island-Parliament of each island does have the right to petition the Constitutional Court to alter or terminate any synergetic project, if a two-thirds majority of the Island-Parliament considers it to be in violation of the Island’s Federal Constitution.

The reader will have noticed that we have without warning or prior explanation made mention of apparently three ‘Island-Parliaments’, three ‘Federal Constitutions’ and the ‘Constitutional Court’.

That is correct. And, yes, we move fast. But not to worry. As we progress, we will elaborate on all these and other constitutional organs and structures one by one. The overall picture will become clear to you.

So now we can frame the Article concerning the Elected Governors to be included in each of the Federal Constitutions of Aruba, Kòrsou y Boneiru. It reads as follows:

The Governor and the Council of Elected Governors

  • The Governor is in charge of all executive powers granted to him/her in the Federal Constitution and other legislation passed by the Island-Parliament.
  • The Governor is elected by the people of the Island for a term of 4 years. He/she may be re-elected for a second term.
  • The Elected Governors of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire form the Council of Elected Governors.
  • The Presidency of the Council of Elected Governors rotates annually, the first and second President to be nominated by drawing lots.
  • The Council of Elected Governors meet on the island where its President holds office.

Bonaire, 25 September 2022
On behalf of Foundation ‘Golden Meand Society'(GMS)

Michiel Bijkerk, president


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