
Rider injured preforming stunts in Tropical Storm Fiona  / Police increases traffic controls, continue to monitor school areas 

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From:  Acting head of communication Department 

           Inspector E.S Josepha  


Thursday, 18th September 2022


Rider injured preforming stunts in Tropical Storm Fiona 


A dirt bike rider was injured performing stunts on the wet flooded Middle Region Road during the passage of Tropical Storm Fiona on Saturday, September 17, 2022. The woman rider lost control of her bike slamming into a ttuck approaching from the opposite direction on the road based on the preliminary investigation by KPSM Traffic Department. 


The dirt biker was removed from the scene by unknown persons, creating difficulties for the further out in-depth investigation by the Traffic Department into what precisely occurred at the scene. 


At the scene, the biker complained of pains in her arms and legs. First aid was administrated by ambulance personnel before the woman was transported to Sint Maarten Medical Center (SMMC). 


Police Central Dispatch was alerted about the incident on Middle Region Road close to Margaret Bruce Drive around 3:00pm. Police patrol and ambulance personnel were dispatched to the scene.  Later, police discovered that rider had suffered a fractured left wrist, fractured left knee and a fractured hip.


Police continue to warn scooter and motorcycle riders, as well as motorists about their reckless behavior in traffic. Serious accidents and severe damages keep occurring on the road. The bad in-traffic behavior has and can result in serious injuries and death of the rider/motorist, pedestrians and other road users. 


KPSM will conduct the controls on scooters and motorcycles as many riders are not respecting or obeying the traffic regulations and their behavior continue to be a nuisance to the community and endangers the lives. 


Anyone with information about the dangerous rider who was injured on Saturday or any other plaguing the community, contact KPSM on + 1 721 542 2222 or emergency number 911.


Aside from the dirt bike incident, police recorded a few other minor incidents during the passage of Fiona. KPSM expresses gratitude to the majority of the community for the good conduct during the storm. The vast majority of the population complied with the advisory from the Prime Minister of Sint Maarten to stay off the roads.


Police increases traffic controls, continue to monitor school areas 


Police continue to increase their presence in the community with controls and surveillance at different locations. This has resulted in several drivers, pedestrians, and students spoken to by police about their unbecoming behavior in public.  Fines were issued to several drivers.


Police are also monitoring the areas around schools to deter school-related fights and other illegal activities. Several students in school zones after classes have long ended were asked by police to vacate the area in accordance with the ministerial decree against loitering.    


In traffic controls, 58 cars and three motorcycles were stopped and checked by police. Of those, 19 drivers were cited for heavily tinted (blacked out) windows on their vehicles. These controls were in Belvedere near the border point, the junction of Arch Road and A. Th. Illidge Road.   


Drivers are reminded by police to have all relevant documents in their vehicle, to always have their driver’s license in their possession when operating a vehicle, and to adhere to all traffic rules. 


Officers will continue to execute targeted controls for the safety of residents, visitors, and businesses in view of the resurgence of economic activity in the country, especially in high traffic areas such as Philipsburg. 


Controls will focus on:


  • Issuing fines to drivers for vehicles not meeting the technical driving requirements
  • Monitoring of school areas


KPSM intends to execute frequently controls for the safety of the community. 

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