
Police team carrying out controls. / Police leadership of both sides of island met on Friday September 23rd 2022


From:  Acting head of communication Department

Inspector E.S Josepha


Tuesday, 25th September 2022


Police team carrying out controls.


Tasked with reducing violent robberies and monitoring at school districts, the police have created a special team. In the past weeks, this team has carried out several operations, a summary of was made of September 19 to 23, 2022, is below.


A total of 148 vehicles were stopped by police. Of those, 42 related to dark tinted windows. A dozen motorcycles were stopped, and three were confiscated for failure to meet the technical requirements in accordance with the traffic law.


A total of 34 persons were stopped by the team at various businesses across in connection with violations of the firearms and narcotics ordinance. Of these, six were arrested and taken to the police station in Philipsburg. A total of 179 grams of narcotics were confiscated.


On the school front, police intervened in three fights in the school district.


Police will continue these types of controls.







Last Friday, September 23,2022, KPSM’s management team hosted a meeting with  French side counterparts at the police station in Phillipsburg. During the meeting, several points were discussed with the French side police leadership.


  • Working together from the New Police Station on Union Road.
  • Cooperation between both forces to reduce theft with violence ( Armed robberies)on both sides of the islands.
  • Collaboration during and after pursuit of suspects in vehicles.
  • Cooperation between the two agencies with regards to human smuggling and trafficking cases.

Both police organization have reached an agreement to meet once a month to evaluate and improve cooperation.


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