Personnel of the Sint Maarten Police force (KPSM) held conflict resolution information sessions at Academy PSVE in Ebenezer on Friday morning, October 21, 2022.
Upon the request of the Academy PSVE, two officers of the Uniform Division of the St. Maarten Police held an information session on conflict resolution for several groups of teenagers from the aforementioned high school.
Aim of the information session is to provide youth with lessons on co-operative and collaborative problem solving through values clarification and communication skills.
The purpose is also to improve the relationships between police and youth, between youth themselves and improve their social skills.
The information given includes understanding conflict levels, listening to understand, being curious, deferring judgment, values clarification, problem solving and the negative effects of stereotyping.
Through such information sessions, the police want to establish a more meaningful and positive bond between police officers and high school children.
The KPSM leadership thanks the PSVE Academy leadership for the invitation.