Pendiente kontrakt di mas aña ku operadó pa refineria i terminal na Bullenbaai:
Willemstad 7 di Ougùstùs 2022- Miéntras Refineria di Kòrsou (RdK) ta traha duru pa konkluí negosashonnan i yega na un akuerdo di durashon largu ku Caribbean Petroleum Refinery (CPR), Curaçao Refinery Utilities (CRU), un kompania supsidario di RdK, a yega na un akuerdo ku CPR ku ta permití CPR almasená produkto na e terminal di Bullenbaal. E akuerdo di almasenahe ta pará lòs for di e akuerdo di mas aña pa operashon di refineria i e terminal na Bullenbaai ku RdK i CPR ta negoshando aktualmente.
E akuerdo ta enserá ku lo por almasená te ku 7 mion barí di produkto na e terminal. Danki na e akuerdo aki por spera, riba término kòrtiku, akividatnan relatá na karga i deskarga di barkunan di karga i tambe aktividatnan di trasbordo na Bullenbaai. Esaki sigur ta generá entrada pa CRU, mas oportunidat di empleo riba e terminal i adishonalmente mas oportunidat di negoshi pa Kompania di Tou Kòrsou (KTK).
Mientrastantu, e negosashonnan ta kanando ku e meta firme pa yega na un ‘Heads of Agreement’ mas pronto ku ta posibel.
Pending long term contract to manage and operate the refinery and terminal at Bullenbaai:
Willesmtad August 7, 2022- While Refineria di Kòrsou (RdK) is working diligently to conclude the negotiations for a long-term lease agreement with Caribbean Petroleum Refinery (CPR), Curacao Refinery Utilities (CRU), a subsidiary of RdK, has reached an agreement with CPR that allows CPR to store products at the terminal at Bullenbaai. The storage agreement is independent of the long-term agreement that regards management and operation of the refinery and Bullenbaai terminal, which RdK and CPR are currently negotiating. The agreement entails that CPR can store up to 7-million-barrels of products at the terminal. Thanks to this agreement we can expect activities relating to unloading and loading of cargo vessels plus transshipment activities at Bullenbaai to start shortly. This will generate income for CRU, more employment opportunities at the terminal and additionally it also creates business opportunities for Kompania di Tou Kòrsou (KTK).
In the meantime, the negotiations continue with the solid aim of reaching a Heads of Agreement as soon as possible.