WILLEMSTAD, PARAMARIBO – The National Archives of Suriname and Curaçao have received an Open Science Award for their role in the development of the slave registers.
– The National Archives of Suriname and Curaçao have received an Open Science Award for their role in the development of the slave registers.
The prize was awarded during the Open Science Festival that was held in Amsterdam on 1 September. The jury praises the way in which the two archives work to make the population archives of both countries public for research, cultural projects and family history.
The prize was awarded during the Open Science Festival that was held in Amsterdam on 1 September. The jury praises the way in which the two archives work to make the population archives of both countries public for research, cultural projects and family history.
With the Open Science Awards, the organization of the National Open Science Festival researchers has used Open Science to make their research more accessible, more transparent, or reproducible.
With the Open Science Awards, the organization of the National Open Science Festival researchers has used Open Science to make their research more accessible, more transparent, or reproducible.
The focus was on social involvement, whereby cooperation between scientists and people outside of science in particular is important.
The focus was on social involvement, whereby cooperation between scientists and people outside of science in particular is important.
Slave registers
Slave registers
The historical database of Suriname and Curaçao is a collaboration of the National Archive Suriname, the Anton de Kom University of Suriname, the National Archives of Curaçao, and Radboud University in the Netherlands.
The historical database of Suriname and Curaçao is a collaboration of the National Archive Suriname, the Anton de Kom University of Suriname, the National Archives of Curaçao, and Radboud University in the Netherlands.
Together with about a thousand volunteers, they have been working since 2017 on an online open database with demographic data from the population of Suriname and Curaçao between approximately 1830 and 1950. All this information becomes free and available online for scientific research and for people looking for their ancestors.
Together with about a thousand volunteers, they have been working since 2017 on an online open database with demographic data from the population of Suriname and Curaçao between approximately 1830 and 1950. All this information becomes free and available online for scientific research and for people looking for their ancestors.
For this, archives are digitized at the National Archives of both countries, which are then converted by volunteers into a database, so that everyone can look for her or his ancestors online.
For this, archives are digitized at the National Archives of both countries, which are then converted by volunteers into a database, so that everyone can look for her or his ancestors online.
In recent years, the historical database of Suriname and Curaçao has already published the so-called “slave registers”, with details about the life events of individual people who lived in slavery.
In recent years, the historical database of Suriname and Curaçao has already published the so-called “slave registers”, with details about the life events of individual people who lived in slavery.
Since 2018 the Surinamese slave registers online, and Curaçao followed in 2020. These registers will soon be available on the new website of the National Archive Suriname via: www.nationalarchief.sr.
Since 2018 the Surinamese slave registers online, and Curaçao followed in 2020. These registers will soon be available on the new website of the National Archive Suriname via:
In the coming years, the Surinamese birth, marriage, and death certificates will also be published on this website from the period 1828-1921.
In the coming years, the Surinamese birth, marriage, and death certificates will also be published on this website from the period 1828-1921.
The slave registers of Curaçao can be consulted online since August 17, 2020, via www.archivonashonal.cw.
The slave registers of Curaçao can be consulted online since August 17, 2020, via