WILLEMSTAD- 11 di ougùstùs 2022 – Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) ta raportá un kantidat di 275.799 turista di estadia den e promé 7 lunanan di aña 2022. E kantidat di turista di estadia registrá ya a surpasá e kantidat risibí na 2021 na momentu ku un total di 265 mil turista di estadia a bishitá Kòrsou. CTB ta mirando un kresementu ekselente den kantidat di turista di estadia, spesialmente for di e paisnan for di kua nos ta risibí mas tantu turista esta; Hulanda i Estádos Unídos. Tur dos merkado ta mustrando un prestashon sólido den e promé 7 lunanan di 2022. Huntu e merkadonan menshoná ta responsabel pa 70% di e kantidat di turista di estadia risibí e último periodo. Un total di 146.038 esta 53% a keda risibí for di Hulanda miéntras for di Estádos Unídos un total di 47.544 esta 17% a bishitá nos pais entre yanüari pa yüli 2022.
Yüli 2022
Na luna di yüli un kantidat di 48.246 turista di estadia a keda risibí lokual ta 11 mil turista mas ku e kantidat risibí na yüli 2019 na momentu ku Kòrsou a risibí 37.249 turista di estadia. Ta e promé biaha ku CTB ta raportá 48 mil turista durante e luna di verano. Total e bishitantenan aki a keda 501.382 anochi riba Kòrsou durante luna di yüli kual ta un averahe di 10.3 anochi pa bishitante.
Kòrsou a risibí un total di 27.115 turista di estadia for di e region di Europa na yüli 2022. For di Hulanda 23.489 turista a keda registrá miéntras na yüli 2019 e kantidat di turista hulandes registrá tabata 16.456. Un kresementu di 43% den kantidat di turista hulandes kompará ku promé ku pandemia. E di dos merkado den Europa ku a registrá un tremendo prestashon ta Bèlgika. For di Bèlgika un total di 1.235 turista di estadia a keda risibí na yüli. For di Alemania e kantidat di turista di estadia risibí tabata 974. Di e turistanan europeo, 54% a keda den un ‘resort hotel’ (esta hotèl grandi, chikí i bùngalo).
For di e region di Nort Amérika un kantidat di 10.614 turista a bishitá Kòrsou. Di e kantidat aki, un total di 10.207 a bini for di Estádos Unídos na yüli 2022. Esaki ta un kantidat rèkert di turista di estadia prosedente for di Estádos Unídos den un solo luna. Yüli 2019, esta promé ku pandemia un total di 6.395 turista merikano a keda registrá. E prestashon di e aña aki ta un kresementu di 60% kompará ku yüli 2019. Di e turistanan aki 78% a keda den un ‘resort hotel’.
For di region di Sur Amérika un total di 6.086 turista di estadia a bishitá Kòrsou. Di e turistanan for di Sur Amérika, 43% tabata prosedente di Colombia miéntras 15% tabata prosedente di Brazil. For di region Karibe un total di 3.277 turista di estadia a keda risibí na yüli. Mayoria di e turistanan aki ta prosedente di e paisnan di Karibe Hulandes.
Na luna di yüli un total di 10 barku krusero a bishitá nos pais ku un total di 29.564 turista krusero.
E prestashon realisá den kantidat di turista di estadia ta sigui surpasá e lunanan anterior. Ku luna di yüli alkansando 48 mil turista di estadia i e merkado di Hulanda i Estádos Unídos registrando respektivamente 23 mil i 10 mil turista, nos por anunsiá ku orguyo ku Kòrsou su rekuperashon turístiko ta riba bon kaminda ku otro luna di bon presentashon. Nos ta satisfecho ku e progreso realisá. Awor Kòrsou ta ofresé un variedat di ‘US branded resort hotels’ lokual ta kosechando su frutanan espesialmente pa merkado di Estádos Unídos. E esfuerso kolektivo di stakeholders lokal huntu ku nos partnernan internashonal den nos merkadonan prinsipal ta dunando bon resultado.
Curaçao surpassed last year’s arrivals in the first 7 months of 2022
WILLEMSTAD – August 11, 2022 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 275,799 stayover visitor arrivals in the first seven months of the year 2022. The overall stayover arrivals performance has already surpassed last year’s arrivals when we welcomed 265,000 stayover visitors in 2021.
CTB is currently seeing a stellar increase in stayover arrivals, especially from our main producing countries The Netherlands and the United States of America. Both markets are showing a solid performance in the first seven months of 2022. Altogether they are accountable for 70% of all visitor arrivals over the last period. We welcomed 146,038 (53%) Dutch visitors and 47,544 (17%) US visitors from January through July 2022.
July 2022
Overall, we have welcomed 48,246 stayover arrivals in July 2021, which is almost 11,000 more visitors compared to July 2019, when we welcomed 37,249 stayover visitors. It is the first time CTB is recording 48,000 visitors in the summer month. In overall visitors spent 501,382 visitor nights in July, which is on average 10.3 nights per visitor.
We have welcomed 27,115 stayover visitors out of the European region in July 2022. From the Netherlands a total of 23,489 visitors is registered, while in July 2019, we have registered 16,456 Dutch visitors. An 43% increase in Dutch arrivals compared to pre-pandemic.
The second market recording great performance from Europe is Belgium with 1,235 stayover visitors in July. Out of Germany we have welcomed 974 stayover visitors. Altogether European visitors stayed 54% in resort hotels.
From the North American region, we welcomed 10,614 visitors. Of these North American visitors, 10,207
US visitors were welcomed in July 2022. This is another record-breaking number of US visitors registered in one single month. July 2019 (pre-pandemic), a total of 6,395 US visitors were registered. This year’s performance is a 60% increase compared to July 2019. Seventy-eight percent stayed in resort hotels.
From the South American region, we welcomed 6,086 visitors. Of the South America arrivals, 43% and 15% came from Colombia and Brazil, respectively.
Out of the Caribbean region, we have welcomed 3,277 stayover visitors in July, primarily from the Dutch Kingdom islands.
There were 10 cruise ship calls and 29,564 cruise visitors for the month of July.
The stayover visitor arrivals performance continues to exceed the previous months. With July 2022 reaching 48,000 stayover visitors and the Dutch and US market recording respectively 23,000 and 10,000 visitors we can proudly say Curaçao’s tourism performance is on the right track, showing another best performing month. We are satisfied with the progress made. Curaçao now offers a greater pool of US branded resort hotels, which is reaping its benefit especially for the US market. The collective effort from our local stakeholders combined with our international partners in our main markets is showing a favorable result.