WILLEMSTAD – The Ministry of Health, Environment and Nature warns of the risk of a bird flu outbreak in Curaçao. Last month, the disease spread in large numbers in Colombia.
The Ministry of Health, Environment and Nature warns of the risk of a bird flu outbreak in Curaçao. Last month, the disease spread in large numbers in Colombia.
On November 13, the Colombian Veterinary Authority declared a state of sanitary emergency due to bird flu outbreaks. Its spread probably occurred through direct or indirect contact with wild birds from Central America. This therefore also represents a real danger for Curaçao.
On November 13, the Colombian Veterinary Authority declared a state of sanitary emergency due to bird flu outbreaks. Its spread probably occurred through direct or indirect contact with wild birds from Central America. This therefore also represents a real danger for Curaçao.
Given the possible risk of contamination of humans, it is advised not to touch sick or dead wild birds, but to report them immediately to the Animal and Education Cariben Foundation. This can be done via the number +5999 515 1776 or by email at foundationfdoc@gmail.com.
Given the possible risk of contamination of humans, it is advised not to touch sick or dead wild birds, but to report them immediately to the Animal and Education Cariben Foundation. This can be done via the number +5999 515 1776 or by email at foundationfdoc@gmail.com.
Bird flu is dangerous for poultry, waterfowl, but also for parrots. Symptoms of the disease range from shortness of breath, swelling at the head, decreased egg production and reduced feed and water intake to death.
Bird flu is dangerous for poultry, waterfowl, but also for parrots. Symptoms of the disease range from shortness of breath, swelling at the head, decreased egg production and reduced feed and water intake to death.
Due to trade restrictions, the economic impact in countries where the virus has been found is enormous. For the time being, these animal species are not being imported from Colombia to Curaçao, but controls are being tightened.
Due to trade restrictions, the economic impact in countries where the virus has been found is enormous. For the time being, these animal species are not being imported from Colombia to Curaçao, but controls are being tightened.