For di un prinsipio ora a funda Caribbean Petroleum Refinery (CPR) i na momentu ku CPR a tuma e desishon pa partisipá na e proseso di buska un operadó pa refineria, e meta di CPR ta pa operá e refineria di un manera íntegro i responsabel ku ta kontribuí na adelanto ekonómiko di Kòrsou, su habitantenan i e emisferio. Te ku awe CPR tin mesun meta ku na prinsipio. Konstantemente tin kontratempu i esakinan tabata di spera. No opstante di tur kontratempu, e meta akí no a kambia. CPR ta i lo keda komprometé ku adelanto di Kòrsou. E karta ku CPR a dirigí na titular di Gobièrnu di Kòrsou ta pa hala atenshon i indiká ku CPR a tuma nota di dokumentonan ku ta den sirkulashon, ku ta parti di e negosashonnan ku ta protehá den un akuedro konfidenshal, asina yamá Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Ta opvio ku a lèk e dokumentonan aki pa opstakulisá e proseso. Alabes CPR a tuma nota di dokumentonan privá di CPR ku no ta aksesibel pa públiko òf tersera, ku mester tabata protehá pa institutonan, instanshanan i personanan den funshon huramentá pa hasi nan trabou den sekresia i konfidenshal, den parlamentu. Motibu pa kual CPR a hasi un apelashon na Gobièrnu, no solamente pa CPR su proseso, pero alabes pa kualke proseso di invershonista keda salbaguardiá, pa hasi un investigashon di parti di Gobièrnu pa asina para, eliminá i protehá informashon aheno den presente i futuro. Den un trayekto di interes regional i mundial di e karakter akí, tin hopi interes kontra e desaroyo pa habri e refineria. Lamentabel ta ku tur dokumento i korespondensha di meil entre CPR i RdK ku a lèk, ta konta un parti chikí di loke ta pasando i sin e konteksto korekto ta pinta un kuadro dudoso di e proyekto. Dokumentonan ku ta lanta spekulashon, i spekulashon ta hiba na estorbo di prosesonan ku ya mester a finalisá pa kuminsá e operashon di refineria. E dokumentonan i informashon inkompleto ku, konsientemente a skohe pa krea un narativa inkorekto, ta mancha,
lanta i krea duda den e proseso andando. E akshonnan akí ta mancha e proseso i ta lanta duda den intenshon di CPR. Ta imperativo pa evitá i si ta posibel para lèkmentu di informashon. Pései CPR a tuma e inisiativa propio pa di su banda kontratá servisio di inteligensha lokal i merikano pa inbestigá kon i e dikon di e lèkmentu i ken ta responsabel pa e lèkmentu. Tantu e servisio di inteligensha merikano komo esun lokal ta servisio privá ku CPR a aserká pa por duna mihó bista riba e meta pa opstakulisá e proseso pa habri e refineria. E servisionan di inteligensha gubernamental Merikano ni tampoko e servisio di inteligensha gubernamental lokal no ta enbolbí den e inbestigashon ku ta tumando lugá di parti di CPR aktualmente. Den kaso ku e servisionan di inteligensha privá den servisio di CPR topa algu ku ta ilegal, e servisionan akí mes lo tuma kontakto ku outoridatnan lokal i entregá loke nan tin na prueba p’asina outoridatnan lokal por hasi e inbestigashon nesesario i si mester unu penal. CPR ta spera ku e servisionan di inteligensha por kaba ku nan inbestigashon pronto i ku resultado di nan inbestigashon ta krea espasio pa kaba ku e proseso di negosashon eksitosamente.
From the moment Caribbean Petroleum Refinery (CPR) made the decision to participate in the bidding process for an operator for the refinery, the goal was to operate the refinery in a way that contributes to the progress of its people and its hemisphere. CPR will do this responsibly and with integrity. Our goal remains unwavering. As was expected, we have met many setbacks during this process. Despite these setbacks, our commitment has not changed. CPR is and will remain committed to the progress of Curaçao.
CPR wrote a letter to the representative of the Government of Curaçao notifying him of leaked documents pertaining to the negotiations that are protected by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Obviously, these documents were leaked to hamper the process. CPR also noticed that copies of documents belonging to CPR, not accessible to the public or third parties, were in the parliament. They were supposed to be documents protected by institutions, agencies, and professionals sworn to do their work confidentially and secretively. With the letter, CPR appealed to the government to investigate leaks and, from now on, protect the information of third parties. It is crucial not only for the process CPR is part of now but also for any
future processes involving other investors to be safeguarded by the government. In the process of regional and global interest, there is a lot of interest against the refinery’s opening. Regrettably, all documents and email communication between CPR and RdK that were leaked, only tell a small part of what is happening and without the right context. Leaked documents come with speculations, disrupting the process, which should have been finished by now to start the refinery operations. The documents and incomplete information, which were consciously chosen, is to create
enough reasonable doubt in the process to tarnish the reputation of CPR and cast doubt on its intentions. It is imperative to avoid and stop the leaking of information. CPR has hired private investigators to determine the source of the unauthorized disclosure of emails and documents about CPR’s bid on the refinery and oil facilities. No U.S. or Curaçao government agencies have been involved in this investigation yet. But, depending on the identity of the actors involved, CPR reserves the right to provide them with the results of our investigation. CPR hopes that the intelligence services can finish their investigation soon and that the result will create room for us to complete the negotiations successfully.